Christmas / 6 posts found

Love of God that Changed the World

The World Was Changed by the Love of God.

by Pastor
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The Good News is not just for those who are wealthy, healthy, and experiencing smooth sailing in life right now, it is Good News to All People.
The Love of God that Changed the World

The Love of God the Changed The World

by Pastor
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The good news for us all is that Jesus Christ himself never sinned and brought forgiveness, joy, and peace into this world; he showed us exactly how much better life with Him is.
Joy of the Lord

The Joy of The Lord

by Pastor
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We see a joyful young woman at the age of 13 with a son in her heart, a faith that is unshakeable, and a bounce in her step that can’t be robbed. Mary is not joyful because everything in her life is going Great! She is joyful because of her faith in God and what He has done, and is doing.

Holding Fast to Our Confession of Jesus.

by Pastor
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Christmas is more than just a holiday. We are currently in the second week of Advent. In some traditions, it's a celebration of God's incarnation, or the humanity of God, as Jesus Christ entered human history and became a man. We're trying to figure out what impact Jesus' humanity should have on our daily routines.
The Lord Is With You

The Lord is With You

by Pastor
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Life isn't always what we expect it to be. Occasionally, things go better than anticipated. If I asked you to list a few unexpected pleasures in your life, you'd be able to come up with a couple. Life isn't always what we expect it to be. Occasionally, things go better than anticipated. If I asked you to list a few unexpected pleasures in your life, you'd be able to come up with a couple.
Nativity of Jesus

Draw Closer to The Nativity

by Pastor
We sit in church distracted with life and exhausted. Many people sit with some sort of unrest whether it is what they have to get done or simply carrying on with their responsibilities. The thing we’re looking for is peace, love, rest, hope, worship, and a sense of spiritual well being. The problem we face is that what we want most of all is buried in the chaos and fast pace of what has been made of the wonderful Nativity of Christ.